Things to do around Sayner
Popular sites to help your vacation planning for the Plum Lake and Sayner area
- Sayner-Star Lake Barnstormers – Snowmobile Club
- Razorback Ridges Cross Country Skiing – just north of The Corner Store at N and Razorback Road
- Sayner-Star Lake Chamber of Commerce
Keep up to date on what’s going on in the area - Sayner 4th of July
Simply the Best – Fireworks always on the 4th - St. Germain 4th is the Sunday before the 4th
- Plum Lake Golf Course
- 9 holes on Plum Lake – You can pontoon across the lake to get there!
- Drive is 5 Miles
- St. Germain Golf Course
- 18 Holes
- Par 3 course across the street
- Go Cart Racing – Elmers Fun Park
- 2 different Go Cart Tracks
- Take 155 south to 70 and continue south and east on 70
- Great Places to Eat
- Taylor’s Sayner Pub on 155 – family atmosphere, fun bar area, has an outdoor bar in the back
- Whitetail Inn – at Old C and 70 in St. Germain, great atmosphere, wonderful Friday Fish Fry
- Smokey’s in Manitowish Waters – one of the best places in the area, a bit of a drive, but worth the trip
- Four Seasons Supper Club – in Arbor Vitae off 70, absolutely fabulous view of Big Arbor Vitae Lake, great food and drink
- DJ’s in St. Germain – on 70, basic breakfast at reasonable prices, has a Friday Fish Fry
- The Wolfpack Cafe – on 70 in St. Germain, the place for a big breakfast to start your day
- Plum Lake Fishing Guides